Overview Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Helped By Chiropractor In Memphis, TN

By Erik Heidrick

People with carpal tunnel syndrome in Southwest Tennessee often end up going to Memphis chiropractors. CTS is an affliction caused by dysfunction of the median nerve caused by repetitive motions such as those performed by workers in factory assembly lines, typists and seamstresses. It's more widespread nowadays because people type on tablets, laptops and smart phones throughout the day.

The symptoms of a pinched median nerve are mostly limited to the arm. The first sign is numbness and tingling in the fingers, which can spread upwards into the arm. It may also cause pain, swelling and itching. People find it hard to rotate the wrist, maintain a grip and feel hot and cold objects.

A patient suffering from CTS can easily end up losing more than $30,000 in medical bills and lost wages over a lifetime. The chances of women developing CTS are three times higher as compared to men. It's easy enough to prevent it from happening with a few basic precautionary measures.

There are many traditional and alternative medicine methods for dealing with CTS. Physicians will provide cortico-steroids and medication mostly meant to provide relief from pain and swelling. If surgery is recommended, then it becomes much more expensive and riskier.

Chiropractic offers a safe and affordable alternative that produces quick results. A few sessions for chiropractic adjustments are needed, with the patient advised to take rest and wear a wrist splint. The adjustments reposition carpal tunnel elements to remove the pressure on the median nerve and restore its functionality.

Patients would be well advised to remember that the solution literally lies in their own hands. Sessions with Memphis chiropractors for carpal tunnel syndrome will be a wasted effort if the hand is once again subjected to the same stress. At the very least, start using ergonomic furniture, take more short breaks and change posture more often.

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Ditulis Oleh : Logo // 5:14 PM


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