Sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain is a fairly common occurrence in today's world. The pain originates in the lumbar region of the back, but is usually felt in the hip, buttocks, or down the legs. This is the path of the sciatic nerve, the longest and largest of the body. For most sufferers, the pain is sharp and unrelenting. It interferes with walking, sitting, standing and sleeping. A majority of individuals who experience the pain have found that natural and alternative methods of therapy are most effective.
Nearly all sciatic nerve pain begins with an issue in the lower part of the spinal column. When the spinal cord branches and continues down into the lower extremities, it can become irritated, or even compressed, due to problems in the alignment of the spine. When the discs are compressed, they are considered herniated, bulging, or even ruptured. The contents push into the surrounding nerve roots and tissues causing compression and significant pain. The pain is felt in the hips, legs or buttocks.
When the discs are compressed, it is usually due to a misalignment of the vertebrae column. The bones have insufficient room to provide space for the discs. The result is a bulge or herniation which extends into the surrounding nerve roots. The cushioning effect is lost, which can result in bone wear.
Patients suffering from sciatic nerve pain have traditionally gone to a physician who is more likely to prescribe pain medication or surgical procedures. This type of therapy is often considered unsuccessful in relieving the pain. Medications can cause long-term damage to body organs, and surgery is both costly and hard on the entire body. The recovery time can be lengthy and the causative condition may recur. Using the gentle, non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical methods offered by chiropractors often proves to be more successful.
In the United States, chiropractic manipulation of lumbar spine or lower back vertebrae is a preferred alternative medicine form of therapy. It is usually performed by chiropractors. The manipulation or adjustments may take the form of manual or machine-assisted methods.
About ninety percent of sciatic nerve pain sufferers indicate that their pain is alleviated when the chiropractic methods are utilized as a sole therapy. The specific methods include traction to decompress the discs, removal of subluxations, electrical muscle stimulation to promote circulation and range-of-motion improvement. Exercises to improve mobility and strengthen muscle groups are often utilized as part of the range of methods.
Alternative medicine users are helped in a majority of cases. This is true even when other methods of therapy, such as prescription medications, surgery, and physical therapy have failed. A success rate of these patients is reported at about sixty percent, after other methods have proven to be ineffective.
Using the techniques offered by chiropractic physicians for the pain of sciatica is a preferred alternative to anyone who doesn't want surgery. When a surgeon is consulted, the recommendation is to undergo surgery. However, if a chiropractor is consulted first, only about one in one hundred patients goes on to require surgical procedures.
Nearly all sciatic nerve pain begins with an issue in the lower part of the spinal column. When the spinal cord branches and continues down into the lower extremities, it can become irritated, or even compressed, due to problems in the alignment of the spine. When the discs are compressed, they are considered herniated, bulging, or even ruptured. The contents push into the surrounding nerve roots and tissues causing compression and significant pain. The pain is felt in the hips, legs or buttocks.
When the discs are compressed, it is usually due to a misalignment of the vertebrae column. The bones have insufficient room to provide space for the discs. The result is a bulge or herniation which extends into the surrounding nerve roots. The cushioning effect is lost, which can result in bone wear.
Patients suffering from sciatic nerve pain have traditionally gone to a physician who is more likely to prescribe pain medication or surgical procedures. This type of therapy is often considered unsuccessful in relieving the pain. Medications can cause long-term damage to body organs, and surgery is both costly and hard on the entire body. The recovery time can be lengthy and the causative condition may recur. Using the gentle, non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical methods offered by chiropractors often proves to be more successful.
In the United States, chiropractic manipulation of lumbar spine or lower back vertebrae is a preferred alternative medicine form of therapy. It is usually performed by chiropractors. The manipulation or adjustments may take the form of manual or machine-assisted methods.
About ninety percent of sciatic nerve pain sufferers indicate that their pain is alleviated when the chiropractic methods are utilized as a sole therapy. The specific methods include traction to decompress the discs, removal of subluxations, electrical muscle stimulation to promote circulation and range-of-motion improvement. Exercises to improve mobility and strengthen muscle groups are often utilized as part of the range of methods.
Alternative medicine users are helped in a majority of cases. This is true even when other methods of therapy, such as prescription medications, surgery, and physical therapy have failed. A success rate of these patients is reported at about sixty percent, after other methods have proven to be ineffective.
Using the techniques offered by chiropractic physicians for the pain of sciatica is a preferred alternative to anyone who doesn't want surgery. When a surgeon is consulted, the recommendation is to undergo surgery. However, if a chiropractor is consulted first, only about one in one hundred patients goes on to require surgical procedures.
About the Author:
Pamela Lindi Joseph is an author writing about health related topics. Are you looking for a Pittsburgh North Hills chiropractor? Get more information about this chiropractor Pittsburgh North Hills.
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