Laguna Hills, CA Chiropractic Doctor Provides Tips On Alleviating Back Pain Naturally

By Jomer Tuyor

Each day, many people enjoy the services from Laguna Hills chiropractors. If your back is giving you problems there are some things you can do at home to help. Here are some tips for dealing with back pain in a safe and natural way, without drugs or surgery.

If you find that your back is hurting after physical activity, applying ice in the area can help to relieve pain. Ice works by relieving inflammation and swelling that can come from strained or injured muscles or tendons. When applying ice, make sure that it does not come into contact with the skin, as this can freeze and damage skin, in some cases.

Ice should be applied during the first twenty four hours of pain. After that, most medical professionals advise the use of heat. Wet heat seems to be more effective for pain relief.

To receive the benefits of wet heat, one only needs to use a standard hot water bottle. You also can buy special heating pads that may be moistened. Do not use heat or ice for more than 20 minutes per session. However, you can utilize this therapy every few hours if needed.

If your back hurts most of the time, you may find some relief with a supportive back brace. These items can be found in most drug and department stores. It is easy to use a brace that has Velcro connections, and these things are very helpful for people who must lift for a living.

When your back is hurting, one of the best things you can do is visit your chiropractic professional. You will have the benefits of a complete examination and many natural and effective therapies for back problems. Laguna Hills chiropractors have extensive training and years of experience in back problems, and work with you to discover why you hurt and can help you return to a normal existence.

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