Best Body Cleanse Natural Methods

By Helene Norris

Over the year, your body accumulate toxins and some of them stay in your organism. Spring cleansing is a good way of getting rid of that toxins and cleanse it thoroughly. It should be done once a year, but some people believe you should do it at least twice a year. It has nothing to do with losing excess weight, although you will lose some anyway. The best body cleanse method is probably fasting.

So called spring cleansing is about getting rid of all harmful substances accumulated in your system. Different toxins cannot be removed on the usual way, they just have to be flushed away using longer periods of fasting. Some people prefer water-only one-week fast. It is very efficient in detoxifying your organism, and it is important to drink enough water during it, but in small dosages.

Fasting is often associated with spiritual. Many famous people have fasted to reach a higher level of understanding. In fact, water-only fast makes you feel pretty bad the first few days, as the body enters a state known as ketosis. This means that your body does not have anything to eat, and therefore consumes accumulated fat. You feel bad and smell bad during that time, but it will purify you.

Doctors generally are not advocates of fasting. Much better solution is taking the natural juices instead of water. Of course, you should take freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices with no added sugar, not industrial finished juices. The value of this method of cleansing is that your body flushes the accumulated toxins and depletes the fats, but receives all important vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy and strong.

Cleansing has nothing to do with losing weight. Numerous diets are based on carbohydrates restriction, for example Atkins. If you don't take carbohydrates, you will lose weight. The problem is that you will get it all back, once you begin eating them again. Excess weight problem still exist just because people don't want to realize that they simply have to change their eating habits if they want to be healthy and slim.

Some people successfully control their body weight using a simple variation of fasting method. They fast for one day, every single week, all year round. It keeps them healthy and slim, whether they choose to drink only water these days, or prefer squeezing fresh vegetables and fruits. Even those people would benefit from annual spring cleansing.

Various natural herbal teas can be a great help in cleansing process. Green tea contains natural anti-oxidants and helps in detoxification. Mixtures of organic teas and natural juices of dark berries like blueberries and blackberries are also packed with valuable vitamins and antioxidants. Cranberry and similar red berries also have a great effect.

There are numerous types of laxatives and colon cleansers available today. You can use them to help you start your detoxification, but you shouldn't use them on regular basis. They can have dangerous side effects if you over-use them. They can cause a lack of potassium, dehydration and other health problems. It is so much better to use natural methods for your best body cleanse.

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