The Medicinal Properties Of The Papaya Leaf

By Mia Kent

Nature has given the world many plants with beneficial properties and it seems as if every few years, health-conscious consumers discover a new wonder food. They often pay a fortune for simple leaves, berries and grains that indigenous peoples in other parts of the world have been using for centuries. One wonder food that won't cost you a fortune if you live in a warm climate where the plant can grow is the papaya leaf.

The papaya tree originally came from the area between southern Mexico and the northern part of South America. The delicious orange fruit soon caught on in the rest of the world and soon people far away in Asia started incorporating it in their national cuisine. Today the plant is grown all over the world in tropical or subtropical regions.

The fruit is very healthy and is a rich source of Vitamin C and other nutrients. However, the leaves are nutritious too, with a high content of calcium and other minerals like phosphorus and iron, as well as Vitamins A and C. Some people boil and eat the leaves for this very reason.

Malaria is a problem in most tropical regions but people here have long ago realized that if they brewed a tea from the leaves, they could use it as a treatment for the disease. Some even use it to treat dengue fever because there are enzymes that encourage the production of platelets in a person's blood. These days there are pharmaceutical companies that extract these enzymes and use them in medicines for the prevention and treatment of malaria and dengue fever.

The leaf juice is also good for regulating T-cell levels in the blood. This can help prevent or fight various forms of cancer, including cancer of the liver, pancreas, lungs, breasts and cervix. Many cancer patients are now taking the leaf extract when they undergo chemotherapy.

The leaf enzymes help to strengthen immunity because they help raise the levels of blood platelets and white blood cells. Along with their Vitamin C content, the leaves are therefore great for colds and other viral infections. In addition, they contain tannins which fight off intestinal parasites such as worms.

Papaya leaves are also great for hair and skin health. They're a good anti-dandruff agent and are sometimes added to shampoos and conditioners to promote scalp health. They are also a great skin cleanser that can help reduce and prevent acne. Some people use the leaf juice for treating eczema, warts and wounds.

To make your own papaya leaf juice, you'll obviously need some leaves. If you don't have access to a tree, you can buy these leaves in dried form online or from your local health shop. If the leaves are fresh, you can simply crush them and squeeze out the juice. Otherwise, slowly boil the dried leaves in water until the liquid has been reduced by half, then strain the liquid and keep it in the fridge. Once it turns cloudy, it's not good for use anymore. The bitter juice is best taken with other fruit juices but don't take it during pregnancy since it can cause miscarriage.

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Ditulis Oleh : Logo // 8:21 PM


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