About Kundalini Facts

By Jack D. Cudjoe

Some say that the ultimate purpose of yoga, is to facilitate the awakening of kundalini- the power of God in the human body. From a certain viewpoint, this is true, and from other perspectives it is not. So what is it and what is yoga's relationship to it?Vedic philosophy, in particular the school of Tantra, see it as the link between the human body and cosmic Divine consciousness, responsible for creation. it is a potent seed of this force lying dormant at the base of the spinal column in every human body. According to Vedic and Tantric texts it is coiled around the base of the spinal column in three and a half spirals. Hence the ancient sages of India called it kundalini, the one coiled like a snake, and a snake has been symbolic of it ever since. it is considered manifest aspect of the Divine - the Divine Mother - 'Shakti' (Power or Force). She is seen as the aspect of the Divine present in and as the manifestation and that that animates 'life'.
[About Kundalini]

This awakening is a hundred percent must before one can gain enlightenment in this life.Apart from practicing the Shavasana pose in Yoga and also Neti as advocated by Maharishi Ramana... one needs to practice absolute celibacy for this type of awakening to occur.This awakening is not something which can be taught in form of books... it only comes from experience. As we proceed on the path of pure spirituality while practicing absolute celibacy and meditation... we shall find one-day that our kundalini awakening has occurred.

There are many differing ways for it to awaken and rise. Probably the rarest is when it rises directly to the crown of the head Sahasrahara chakra. For such a rising of it to take place a great deal of 'purification' must already have taken place, as spiritual practice in the current or other lives. Unfortunately this is often how it's awakening is thought of, and without proper understanding seems highly desirable. More commonly the process takes many many years, and may not even complete in the same lifetime that the rising began. In such an instance the process will begin again and continue in another life, sometimes beginning as early as childhood.Ideally a person has a well-established and integrated spiritual practice prior to, and initiating kundalini awakening and rising. Even more ideally they have the guidance and protection of a Sat Guru or perfect master. If not, my advice would be to find one, and satisfy yourself that they are indeed a fully liberated being. Each individual experiences this opening in a unique way according to the karmic content of their unconscious. There are lots of common experiences, but each person moves into this awakening on a path of their own. Only a perfect master will be in a position to help guide someone with a kundalini rising.

Traditionally, it is taught that ,it's rising (or whatever people want to call it according to their cultural background) can only be achieved through years of dedicated spiritual practice. However, since the publication of Gopi Krishna's book 'Kundalini' many people have come forward to report so-called spontaneous awakenings, which were independent of intensive spiritual practice. During these spontaneous experiences often the negative and confusing it's symptoms were much more pronounced than the rewarding aspects.

Why can it's rising be so painful? this is essentially energy and it works like an amplifier in our mental, spiritual, emotional and physical system. Basically, it amplifies all our experiences - and this can be a blessing or a curse depending on what is going on in our mind. If our life is well-ordered, full of love, spirituality and meaningful work then this will make us even more loving, spiritual and even more successful in our work.

Unfortunately, this 'perfect' scenario is rarely in place when it strikes. Everybody has challenges on various levels of their life and these challenges will be amplified together with the positive aspects of the it's awakening. As a result, we may find ourselves with an array of weird symptoms, challenging emotions and confusing perceptions. When it effects our physcial body we may experiences the so-called kriyas - involuntary body movements which can be disconcerting, embarrassing or even painful.What's worse, everybody has an unconscious mind and kundalini is like a massive force that tears down the barriers to our unconsciousness. As a result, painful memories may come up - and even worse - our carefully suppressed antisocial drives may also come to the surface, for example, megalomaniac thoughts, racist or sexist thoughts, inappropriate sexual urges and violent impulses. For someone who is unprepared, this onslaught of our unconscious nature can be too much to bear. It may wreak havoc with their relationships and it may make them feel as if they live in some sort of hell.How to deal with symptoms of kundalini.

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Ditulis Oleh : Logo // 7:43 PM


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