Tennessee Marijuana Legalization And Why It Should Happen

By Allyson Burke

People living in Tennessee do not have to wonder why it is illegal to take marijuana. Instead, the government should give reasons why the drug is not legal, but so far the reasons presented are not convincing. All in all, people will always try to overturn the ban as long as they feel it is restrictive to them. Here is an examination of arguments for Tennessee marijuana legalization.

The fact that cannabis is illegal makes it even more appealing that it would were it legal. It gives adolescents the opportunity to make quick money through selling it to peers and friends. If the excessive profits gotten from selling the drug were to be ended through legalization, teenagers would not have any incentive to sell it. A legal market for cannabis that is regulated would decrease its sale and use among adolescents.

The harm that comes from taking cannabis is not that destructive when compared to that of cigarettes and tobacco. According to scientific facts, the drug has no toxins to humans while an overdose of it has never been reported. Whats more, the chances of an addiction to it are not as high as the case with tobacco or alcohol. Hence, judging it users more harshly than those of other drugs is definitely not fair.

Justification of illegality of marijuana increasingly needs selective use of scientific records and distortions. This harms the credibility of scientists, teachers and law enforcement officers throughout Tennessee. The dangers of its use have been exaggerated out of proportion, with the madness predictions resulting from it not supported by modern scientific records. Many claims of the drugs dangers are based on ancient prejudices presented at a time when science did not know how it produced its effects.

Since the cannabinoid receptor system was discovered in the late 1980s, concerns about the dangers of marijuana have not been proven by modern research. One cannot deny the fact that cannabis together with alcohol and tobacco are not to be used by children. However, adults over the last few decades have shown that cannabis can be moderately consumed with no harmful impact to an individual or the society as a whole.

There are some merits that come with using cannabis. For one, it can be used as a recreational drug whose side effects are rather mild. Also, it has medicinal value in that it can relieve nausea, pain, spasticity and other symptoms with no successful medications. Most patients suffering from such serous symptoms know marijuana is good for them, and this is the reason they go for it.

Most grownups in Tennessee feel that cannabis is a more mild and moderate way of relaxing as compared to alcohol. The decision to take the drug is as a result of choice, and this choice is influenced by personal observation. The user observes that its mild side effects and low levels of addiction make it safe to use. Some of the users can tolerate its effects, while those who cannot opt to quit it altogether.

Cannabis use is as a result of informed consent in which users conclude that the benefits they get from its use outweigh the risks by far. For most residents of Tennessee, perhaps the biggest risk of taking cannabis is the low probability of getting arrested.

In spite of the punishments and threats, people are still going on with calls for Tennessee marijuana legalization. This is because they know the drug has a place in the society.

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Ditulis Oleh : Logo // 8:24 PM


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