The Truth About Neck Pain And Alternative Medicine

By Ed Rob Munro

At one time or another in their lives, a full 75 percent of Americans will be forced to deal with neck pain. The statistics consistently show that alternative medicine methods are much more effective at resolving these pains as compared to physiotherapy or even prescription medication. To be precise, chiropractors handle most cervical spine/neck vertebrae manipulation cases in the United States.

The cervical spine, which begins at the skull's base, is composed of seven small vertebrae. It's an amazing system that takes up the full weight of a human head weighing 12 pounds on average. It's nothing short of a miracle that enables this delicate mechanism to move the head in all directions.

Of course, misuse or abuse of any biomechanical device is a guaranteed invitation for trouble. The vertebrae can sustain damage or misalignment from extended strain, accidents, whiplash, slip and fall, or blows to the head. Malfunctions also occur due to aging, wear and tear, repetitive movements, etc. Even posture can pose a problem, because leaning the head forward just a couple of inches adds stress on the neck equivalent to the weight of 2-3 bowling balls.

A chiropractor doesn't read tea leaves to find out what's wrong with a patient. They use techniques similar to what any doctor follows, asking about symptoms and finding out when the pain began and why. They will do a physical examination to detect abnormalities, and order a CAT scan or MRI if needed. An EMG may be called for in case there is a chance of nerve damage.

Chiropractors deploy a technique called neck adjustment or cervical manipulation. They use their hands to move the vertebrae into the right position. This is done carefully and in stages over sessions. It quickly brings the cervical spine as close to normal as possible, and restores mobility and motion that would otherwise have caused the patient a lot of pain.

It seems quite easy in theory, but it reality takes a chiropractor with a tremendous amount of skill and experience to do it right. Needless to say, it is up to the patient to find a provider who is reputed and qualified enough. In general, though, the statistics about chiropractic are clear enough since consumers give it the highest patient satisfaction rating among all the different kinds of providers.

A study published recently in Annals of Internal Medicine says that 57 percent of chiropractic patients in a study group reported a 75 percent reduction in pain after only 12 weeks. In the group that received prescription medication, only 33 percent were able to say the same. A year later, 53 percent in the chiropractic group reported a lasting effect, and said their pain was now just 25 percent of what it was initially.

The British Medical Journal similarly published a 52-week study group analysis of neck pain patients. They were randomly assigned and divided among GPs, physiotherapists and chiropractors. The results could not have been any clearer - the group under chiropractic care recovered much faster, and their expenses were only one-third of the amounts spent by patients in the other groups.

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Ditulis Oleh : Logo // 12:04 PM


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