How Organic Papaya Leaf Extract Can Cut Your Medical Bills

By Judy Sullivan

The organic papaya leaf extract, a product of the infamous papaya plant, has become one of the most important plant extracts in the medicine world. The papaya plant is a typical tropical plant widely known for its fruits that have a high nutritional value. The most important component of the remedy which majorly contributes to its effects is enzyme papain.

Common problems like coughs get eliminated very quickly and easily with this extract. A mixture of well ground leaves with some honey provides and instant solution to common coughs. This magical plant provides the solution to open sores too. Freshly ground leaves heals these wounds in a matter of days, better than most solutions available in your local chemist. In the treatment of malaria, this formula is now the alternative to the widely used quinine.

One of the most profound properties of the organic papaya leaf extract is that it is a booster for most body functions. Having a dysfunctional bladder? Raw extracts accompanied with anions will definitely boost your urine system. If taken orally, not only does it lead to arise in the platelet count but it also makes one better at their activities in bed.

It is also used as a beauty product due its ability to cleanse the skin. As a reducing agent, it is used together with orange juice to help burn body fats. It can also be used effectively to clear eczema. Incredibly painful menstrual cramps can be reduced using it. Still on fertility, it has over the years been used successfully as a contraceptive.

The fight against cancer moved to the next step from the moment when it was discovered how powerful organic papaya leaf extract in killing cancerous tumors. Scientists have been able to establish that many forms of cancers from breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer and cervical cancer among others can be cured. The cancerous cells get killed with no adverse effect on the normal cells, a property that has intensified research in this area.

The recent discovery in the role it plays in dealing with life threatening diseases like cancer is what has increased interest in it. Other than preventing it, the extract is capable of killing cancerous cells with no threat to normal cells. For his reason, it is possible to eliminate cancerous tumors without undergoing through painful treatment process normally associated with cancer. Further scientific research is being conducted in this area.

It is worth noting that of the numerous properties of this remedy, it has adverse effects too. If taken in high dosages, it can cause irritation to some people or even result into allergic reactions to the allergic people. It can also lead to miscarriage because it stimulates uterine contractions. The yellowing of palms and soles, also known as carotenemia may also be caused by consumption of high dosage.

The medicinal and other health benefits of organic papaya leaf extracts are so profound that it is now being recommended by a number of doctors and nutritional experts. Although it can easily be prepared from home, a number of companies have been able to formulate right dosages which are available both in the locale and online stores.

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Ditulis Oleh : Logo // 7:01 PM


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