Important Points On Alternative Healing Modalities

By Eliza Mendoza

Medicine is a constantly changing field. There have been numerous advances made in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the last few decades. Even as technology takes the field by storm, there are many alternative healing modalities that continue to be practised despite the fact that they lack adequate scientific backing. Some of the commonly used therapies under this category include naturopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy and chiropractic.

Naturopathy is a treatment that is based in the belief that many human processes are dependent on some form of special vital energy. This energy is responsible for processes such as digestion, reproduction, respiration and growth among others. This therapy has the advantage of not requiring the use of drugs or surgical techniques. A holistic rather than a systemic approach is adopted.

Homeopathy is a treatment method that has existed on the European continent for many years. In homeopathy, healing is based on the claim that a patient can be cured using a drug that would otherwise cause the same illness in a healthy individual. This is called the law of minimum dose or with the phrase: like cures like. This is not however in line with physicochemical concepts.

Mind body therapies try to bring the body into communication with the mind by making the mind control functions of the body. Forms of mind body therapy are yoga, relaxation and spirituality. There are therapies that integrate the spirit with mind and body. Such include yoga, hypnotherapy, meditation, guided imagery and so forth.

Yoga is based on the concept that one can breathe in life. This is facilitated through meditation, exercise and stretching for the purpose of obtaining energy necessary for disease management. Religious practices like praying and anointing are also a way of providing healing for those that have faith in supernatural powers. However, in most cases, prayer is only used to complement and facilitate conventional approach of medicine. There are different ways of meditation including mantra, mindfulness meditation and tai chi.

Just how effective is alternative medicine compared to the popular conventional approach? Many publications concerning these healing modalities may not bring out the reality on the ground as their content is selective and has selfish interests. Placebo effect may be the major outcome of most patients using alternative medicine. This is the psychological feeling healed when in real sense no biological activity has taken place.

Prior to treatment, one may be taken through a number of tests. The main reason as to why this is done is to assess the probability of getting side effects associated with the treatments. Fortunately, most of them are largely natural and are for this reason associated with very few side effects. Homeopathy, for example, is free of any side effects and has been incorporated into mainstream medicine in some countries.

Potentially harmful drug interactions are likely to occur when using scientific medicine together with alternative healing modalities. This kind of combined therapy is seen in insulin potentiation, oxygen and ozone therapy and shark cartilage. Practitioners are therefore advised to take caution when employing complementary methods.

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Ditulis Oleh : Logo // 6:50 PM


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