What Is Stress And Could It Be Alleviated?

By Asuncion Zoeller

Although millions of people around the world suffer from debilitating anxiety and panic attacks that change their lives for the worse, there is still a lot of confusion about it. Many sufferers of this disorder don't even fully understand what anxiety is.

So what exactly is anxiety anyway? Anxiety is a disorder in which your mind thinks that you are in enough danger for your body and mind to react. If there were a circumstance where you were truly in danger, you would see that your body would have many of the same symptoms.

You would feel your heart racing through your chest. You would begin to sweat and your breathing would become very shallow and your eyes would dilate to get ready for you to flee the scene. These symptoms are very simply something that all humans are born with and are necessary for us to survive if there is ever any real danger.

But when you suffer from an anxiety disorder, there is a part of your brain that is not working like it should. It thinks that every single thing in your life is a reason to prepare to either fight or run away. That is why the blood starts pumping so fast, so that you will be prepared to deal with the danger.

But when you are having a panic episode there is not any actual danger in your way, but only the danger that your mind is making up to play tricks on you.

So how can you rewire your brain?

The human brain is very powerful indeed. Once you convince your mind of something it is very hard to get it to believe something else. This is why stopping anxiety from happening in the first place is so difficult. When the brain believes there is danger, it simply doesn't listen when you try to convince it that there is not.

But your brain is only going to listen to you if you tell it the right things.

And the very first thing you must do is to realize deep down that you and your brain are the ones causing all of this anxiety and panic. Then you have to come to the realization that you are not sick, you will not die and you are not losing your mind.

When you truly start believing these concepts, the rest becomes easy to deal with. Just as your mind has tricked you into thinking that you are always in danger, it can be tricked with the truth to believe that it can relax and only alert you when there is real danger.

Anxiety and panic attacks are not the simplest thing to fix for a majority of people. But that does not mean there is no hope, not by a long shot. There are powerful methods that you can use to deal with anxiety in a way that is safe for your body, and that will work for the rest of your life.

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Ditulis Oleh : Logo // 2:31 PM


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